• Power of women

    Millions of women across the world joined together to form the Women’s march on 21st January 2017. This march was about the protection of women’s rights, safety, health, and families. This occurred in Washington D.C however, many other cities joined with them such as London, Paris, Amsterdam, New Mexico city etc. There were sister marches that occurred in many other states of America such as New York, Hawaii, California, Florida and many others.

    A woman in today’s society is more than just a female staying at home and looking after the family. Modern females are independent, hardworking, fight for their rights and ripple changes to happen. The position of a female is changing dramatically and inspiring individuals to become more successful.

    Michella Obama is an iconic female who has inspired numerous girls around the world to achieve their goals. Obama co󠄀founded the joining forces program which expanded educational and employment options for veterans and to raise awareness about the difficulties plaguing military families. Also, she formed the Reach Higher initiative to inspire young people to explore higher education and career development opportunities. A truly remarkable woman.

    The joining of many females and males across the world spoke the same message. The message of protection of women’s rights, safety, health, and families. This message is relatable to many people across the global and it has an influential meaning behind it. Women are more than such an accessory but are individuals who want a change in the world. A change that makes them more equal to males but also, having a say in what they believe in.

    Take care, Simran.

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