There was once a time where I found an eight week term at school really long and tiring. But now having experienced an eleven week semester at university, the current nine week semester seems so short! (I sound crazy, I know)
One thing about university is that no one day is the same as the next. I was under the illusion that the people I sat with in lectures and seminars during the first semester would be the same people I would sit with during the second semester. Oh boy was I wrong (well not completely). As modules change during the second semester, this meant that the routine that I had set also changed.
The people who were in most of seminars are no longer in any of the same seminar groups as me. The same has also to lectures. It is all a bit weird, but all it takes is some getting used to.
One good thing about semester two is that face that you are fully in the know how university works (i.e. blackboard, how lectures and seminars work and most importantly when to swipe your card to registered present for a lecture)
But here’s to the final two months of university! (Oh, how times flies!)
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