• Take a Break!

    I met up with my friends from the foundation course after the longest time over the weekend. We had lunch, watched Sing in the cinema (a brilliantly crafted animated movie that is a must watch if you are an animation movie junkie like me!) and chatted for a long time while we walked back home. It was one of those amazing days that I will put in my bag of memories before I graduate from university in a few months. Spending the entire day with my friends and simply having fun reminded me of just how important it is to take a break from studies and work once in a while.


    I have repeatedly mentioned in my blog posts that all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. Have you ever felt like you’ve worked hard to such a great degree that you actually begin to lose focus instead of gaining it? Yeah that is your cue to taking a break. I did some googling and research suggests that focusing all your attention on a single task for too long can actually waver your focus and as a result negatively impact your performance on that task. I also found out that taking a break as short as 30 seconds can increase your productivity up to 13%. Cool, eh?


    So whether you are revising for an exam or working on a 3,ooo word long essay, put your pen and notebook down and step away from that laptop for a few minutes. You don’t necessarily have to socialize or go out to feel relaxed. You can definitely do it while enjoying your own company. Put on your favourite music, go out for a walk, read a book, paint, call your family, eat your favourite food while watching your favourite series or movie or just take a power nap. Do whatever puts you at ease and calms your nerves but make sure you give yourself that well deserved break. I hope you all have a wonderful day ahead of you!

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